Ease yourself into fitness with this
gentle in-home workout!

Do burpees hurt your feet and feel hard and jarring on your toes and wrists?

Does Yoga hurt your shoulders and neck?

Pilates a little too boring for you?

If you’re looking for a program that is fun, strength based and prepares your joints for more adventurous activities then - welcome!

If you’re stuck in the house with babies, you’re working or travelling and can’t get to the gym then the Couch Workout is for you.

This full program is an hour long but you can pick and choose the areas you want to work on and tailor your routine to your needs and time available.

The areas covered are:

  • A gentle warm up so you make sure that you minimise the risk of over stretching or overworking your muscles,

  • Squat series to tone your butt and strengthen your thighs

  • Pelvic thrusts to work your core muscles and build up your pelvic floor - particularly important if you’ve had children.

  • Arm series to help strengthen your shoulders as well as tighten and define your arms.

  • Lateral leg workout to help align your hips and create balance in your posture

  • Lower back to increase flexibility and build strength to support your daily activities

  • Planks to give you a full body workout and burn some calories

  • And finally an ab series to work your core further and create definition.